Sorry to everyone that thought I would be at the party. All 2 of you. I was called away by the hedonistic god's that reside in Atlantic City, NJ. It was awesome. We gambled. I won a few times, lost a bunch of times. In the end I only lost about 30 bucks. Not bad. I had quit gambling until someone gave me a nickel, i put it in the slot machine and turned it into 597 nickels. The system works! Then we went to some awesome dive bar and drank until 730 this morning. It was fucking great. It's really fun to drunk dial people when it is 830 in the morning. OH SHIT! And I drank a whiskey and coke at 8am at the casino. FUCKING GREAT! I hope the party was rad, but I couldn't pass up the old AC. Rock.
the partay was indeed rad. you were missed, but it sounds like you had fun anyway. 

The party was fun, but I'm sure AC was cool too. Are you coming to Great Adventure on Sunday?