I would never have figured this out in real life, unless I somehow became immortal, young forever, with no appetite for monogamy for long stretches, given to cross-cataloging the features of lovers. But here, on SG, there are just so many bodies, so carefully photographed, that I, and everyone else, can take my time, and learn not just what I like, but -- well... Let me start over. I have a tag I keep, Spectacular Frill, for SGers whose labia are like orchids, pendulous, whorled, braided in on themselves in intricate ways. These tactile puzzles, what Gertrude Stein called "Tender Buttons," affect me like the smell of fresh bread: they make me happy and my mouth starts to water.
At some point, I started to notice certain correlations. I'm more likely to find these standout features in skinny Suicide Girls, a corrective to my usual preference for the zaftiger body types. But the most telltale link is the nose. Women with truly memorable noses, standout sculptural promontories, beautiful Funny Girl profiles, the distinctive aquiline ones or the abundantly broad, seem much more likely to be the one with matchingly prominent pussy lips. It's a strong enough correlation that on a busy week I can scan a few days worth of sets, opening only those with the most individual noses, and voila.
If you do this enough, that fresh bread reaction starts to translate upward, s0 that the nose becomes its own erogenous zone, a declarative feature, for those who are at ease, of sexual command, right there in the middle of the face, maybe even more than the lips. This odd anatomical rhyme has captivated me for a while, so much so that sometimes, when I discover a set of the day with a spectacular frill matched with a standard button nose, I will go hunting back through the earlier photos, looking for the time before a surgery erased this declaration they had become uncomfortable with. I have my own list to back up my research, but I'd be interested to hear from any of you, if you've sp0tted this too. It's a delicate subject and I'm aware that some people might not be comfortable being part of this conversation, so speak tenderly.