I spent most of last night in a philosophical debate/exchange of ideas. Well I guess that's not quite accurate, I wasn't so much in it as I was more of a spectator of it. I was a perfect example of my last post. It was a constant battle of wills to express one's ideas. They heard what each other was saying and they were even spurring one another on to more ideas, but they never really listened to each other. It was obvious that what matter to them was their own ideas, not the other person's ideas. They had to make sure the other person understood them and agreed with them. It was sad and yet at the same time it was almost comical. Since it was more of an exchange of ideas and not an expression of deep heart felt feeling it didn't seem like such a travesty, in fact I could understand they're desire to keep hold of the podium so to speak. All they desired was to be understood. I think that's all any of us really want, whether it's from our heart or our head. We spew out all these words and yet it's never enough to express our thoughts. Languages never seems sufficient. We're often left wanting of a better way of expression. Plus we never can keep up with the barrage of ideas as they swarm our minds. It's like trying to take a massive river and funnel it into a little pipe. No matter what you do only a small amount can make it through at one time. And all the while the battle of wills continues to ensue as we keep vying for time to try and put thoughts into words. We work so hard to vocalize this flood in our mind and at the same time fight for someone's attention. Wait. I'm-I'm not done. No. Y-You don't understand, there's more. No, Stop Talking. I Still Need To Explain What I'm Saying. Stop, You Don't Understand. I Said Stop..... SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU EGOTISTICAL SELF CENTERED BASTARD AND LISTEN TO ME..... please... just listen. i just want to be understood....