so very tired
my bf went to san jose th do the final bit of a networking gig so its me and the puppy settling in to watch america's latest train wreck of a reality type show. that's right. i watched 'the surreal life' - the show where they put mc hammer, brande something playmate of the year, the journalist chick from 90210, vince neil, webster and corey feldman in one house. 7 celebs. 3 bedrooms. do the math. the hair care products alone would kill the off, the fumes from the various spritzes, sprays and whatnot would choke them in their sleep.
nighty night.
my bf went to san jose th do the final bit of a networking gig so its me and the puppy settling in to watch america's latest train wreck of a reality type show. that's right. i watched 'the surreal life' - the show where they put mc hammer, brande something playmate of the year, the journalist chick from 90210, vince neil, webster and corey feldman in one house. 7 celebs. 3 bedrooms. do the math. the hair care products alone would kill the off, the fumes from the various spritzes, sprays and whatnot would choke them in their sleep.
nighty night.
are your toe nails painted in a cow pattern? if they are that rocks. I think cows are cute.
and yes those are my real toes. no toes were harmed in the painting nor the pictures.