9am Thursday morning, hanging onto consciousness by a thread. I have to make an effort to stay awake to go see my shrink today. It's suddenly gone from freezing to boiling and my modest clothes are in the wash so I don't know what I'm going to wear - I could wear a micro skirt but it's super gusty outside so I guess it depends on how pornographic I want to be.
The vacuum cleaner got collected
- why is it that vacuum cleaner shops are so full of testosterone and male ego? It's like walking into a car yard. I feel uncomfortable as soon as I walk in, like Bambi walking into a den of wolves.
Somehow I got them to do what was quoted as a $200 job for $100 - just by saying I had a spare vacuum at my parents I could use if it was too expensive to fix this one. Dodgy.
So these antidepressants seem to be having the opposite effect to what was intended. I lay down and slept for 4 hours after my last blog (I also fell asleep whilst actually writing the blog at one point). I'm having trouble focusing on anything and I'm zoning out all over the place, it's terrible! Along with that there's this crushing feeling of self-loathing. I'm keeping a grip though.
Received an email from a lovely lady on OKCupid wanting to meet for drinks this weekend, but she's got a boyfriend and wants to involve him, so no go. I had actually just deleted my info on OKCupid, thinking I need to get myself together and like myself more before going dating, so it's just as well really.
The eating plan is going remarkably well, and I haven't had caffeine for a few weeks now. I'm just at that point now where I feel like if I eat a chocolate I'll be working against myself, so it hasn't been TOO hard to resist.
I've slacked off on piano practice the last two days due to being so tired, I'll have to make an effort to do some today if I can.
Thanks for all the caring messages after my last blog! Still half-alive.

The vacuum cleaner got collected

So these antidepressants seem to be having the opposite effect to what was intended. I lay down and slept for 4 hours after my last blog (I also fell asleep whilst actually writing the blog at one point). I'm having trouble focusing on anything and I'm zoning out all over the place, it's terrible! Along with that there's this crushing feeling of self-loathing. I'm keeping a grip though.

Received an email from a lovely lady on OKCupid wanting to meet for drinks this weekend, but she's got a boyfriend and wants to involve him, so no go. I had actually just deleted my info on OKCupid, thinking I need to get myself together and like myself more before going dating, so it's just as well really.
The eating plan is going remarkably well, and I haven't had caffeine for a few weeks now. I'm just at that point now where I feel like if I eat a chocolate I'll be working against myself, so it hasn't been TOO hard to resist.
I've slacked off on piano practice the last two days due to being so tired, I'll have to make an effort to do some today if I can.
Thanks for all the caring messages after my last blog! Still half-alive.

Low carb diets are a better way to control appetite than trying to keep your blood sugar/hunger controlled with small carb-containing meals throughout the day. If you are averse to meats you can still use things like oils and vegetable protein and slightly harder to digest carbs like beans. Also, if you are able to walk for a few hours (it has to be more than a couple of hours) once or maybe twice a week, that will burn quite a few calories and really suppress your appetite.
If you appreciated this unsolicited advice you should probably post pictures of your boobies in payment.