Got a call today for a job position that sounds like it might be promising. I'll be walking the corperate ladder again but at least it's a management position.
Oh how nice to have a good resume.

I'm sure with my experience I'll get the job, I just hope the pay is decent. Your hopes and prayers are still welcome. I have an interveiw tomorrow at 2pm.
On another note...My leg is doing much better. The wound finally scabbed over. I guess a fast matabolism is good for something after all. Besides staying skinny. I know, I know...I have a skinny complex. Chalka keeps telling me I'm not, but after a life of skinny jokes, it's kinda hard not to.
Well, I guess I should be getting back on the horse again
and go to battle with the corperate demons, hopefully once and for all.
When you have skills and you're a free thinker, sometimes it's hard to fit the corperate mold. But I'll do my best for my family's sake.
My son almost got suspended yesterday for dropping his pants on the playground. Oh ya...did I mention he's only in the 1st grade. I know...that's no excuse, but doesn't that seem a little harsh? We had to go in for a meeting with the teacher and principle this morning to make sure that it doesn't happen again. It's all good though.
Okay more walking around the house naked. Just kidding...just wanted to see you
For all my friends who comment to me...Much Love!!!...and all you other kids too.