Need someone to film us having sex...just sayin
Thanks kas...if you really want to, hit me up. That would be awesome! This POV thing gets old after a

that could be fun
Craving her nice hard clit, and as her clothes came off and my fingers softly caressed her smooth milky white skin, I fill my cock getting tingly. As my tongue runs down from her neck, down around her nipple, down the middle of her stomach and around her belly button, my cock is getting harder and harder. I grab both of her nice soft...
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Craving her nice hard clit, and as her clothes came off and my fingers softly caressed her smooth milky white skin, I fill my cock getting tingly. As my tongue runs down from her neck, down around her nipple, down the middle of her stomach and around her belly button, my cock is getting harder and harder. I grab both of her nice soft...
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that was nice and dirty! loved it.
thanks so much

I think I may go enter this beard compitition tomorrow...first time for everything!
Wish me luck!
and...if you're local and want to come support me I'll by you a drink!...just sayin. LOL

Wish me luck!
and...if you're local and want to come support me I'll by you a drink!...just sayin. LOL

thats awesome! good luck 

Sooo...Since I've grown my beard long, I get the craziest looks from people! It is always the topic of conversation when I meet someone. Somebody's always got something to say about it. Kinda weird. I used to have a lot more girls look at me before I grew it out. Now I think it scares most of them away. Some girls like it and want...
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I think you should use it the way yo like it. There will always be chicks that like you and chicks that don't. I personally like hairy men, so I vote keep it!!
Have I mentioned lately how much I love my life? Can't complain a bit. Payin' the bills, eating good food, as much herb and sex as I need. We just need someone new to play with. It's been a while. I miss watching my wife make out with another girl...and stuff
What's the sexiest thing you've done lately?

What's the sexiest thing you've done lately?
well i like to web cam when i'm bored and i get to dress sexy and do all sorts of things for guys. my boyfriend loves to watch...i find that to be sexy! glad life is treating you well!
@ g_eye_jo...Web cam huh? Sounds fun! We don't have a web cam. Probably good. We might get ourselves in some naughty trouble...hehe...We've been known to show off a little (to the right people). It's fun especially if it's a couple. We keep our sexy side away from our close friends. We just like to keep things separate so there's never any drama. It's nice to have some sexy friends on the side though. We fantasize about lots of stuff though. Like having a sexy friend or couple come party with us at our house with all our other friends and doing fun crazy sexy stuff off in the shadows while everyone is partying...maybe even end up getting sexy in the hot tub with the lights just low enough so it makes for a good tease, such a turn on. We like to be voyeurs as much as anyone else, Especially me, like your boyfriend, I like to watch too! Get's my heart pumping. We have an exhibitionist side too, just haven't had a chance to release it much. Although recently we stayed at a hotel right next to the freeway and I was wanting her to flash all the truckers coming down the off ramp. She did it a few times, got me all turned on. I'll save more sexiness for later. Thanks for sharing!
@ kas...Life IS good over here...If you ever want to hang out I can keep ya posted the next time we have a party...or we can grab some dinner or something? We're always down for a new friend
Let me know.

@ kas...Life IS good over here...If you ever want to hang out I can keep ya posted the next time we have a party...or we can grab some dinner or something? We're always down for a new friend

I find it pretty funny that when you're watching a movie and a cool part comes on, chances are someone put it up on YouTube. Gotta love it when that happens. Thanks to all you random people out there who have too much time on your hands.
Had a good time last night. A lot of new faces. Got home safe. The house is smellin' like some good food. The sun is shining...Everything is as it should be!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend my friends.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend my friends.
that's how i felt when i woke up this morning. it's been a great day!
That's awesome! Love the positive!
Life is still good!
TONIGHT...2 kegs, 2 bands...should be a good time!
TONIGHT...2 kegs, 2 bands...should be a good time!
thanks for the offer!!!!

Offer still stands if you eve make it to Cali.

Finally got my internet back up and running...what did I miss?
aww ; )