Well hello SG 😅
It has been some time since I last blogged here about much of anything, but especially not current events in my life.
I have a *major* update for y'all though:
I ended my 6+ year relationship and moved out of the apartment I had in Austin.. I'm currently looking for a house in a super tiny town so I can travel to more shootfests 🙌
I started doing photography and released my first set as a photographer (thank you @ravennoxx !)
I lost 40 pounds! I found out I was allergic to gluten and dropped a ton of weight after cutting it out of my diet.
I also shot a new set! I finally got to work with @tripodski !! That will have it's own blog for sure, but for now I wanted to update my SG lovers about what the heck I have been up to
I'll leave y'all with a few of my favorites from my upcoming set "Coquette" shot by @tripodski