Nominated by @zen
1) Do I like bleu cheese: Definitely do not.
2) Coke or Pepsi: Water
3) Do I own a gun: No
4) What flavour Kool-Aid: Water
5) Hotdogs: Veggie dogs with alllll the toppings!
6) Favourite TV show: Way too many to pick, but I have them listed on my profile!
7) Favourite movie: Paul
8) Morning drink: Water (or a smoothie)
9) Can I do a push-up: Yessir
10) Favourite jewelry: My face jewelry, but my tree branch necklace comes to a close second.
11) Favourite hobby: Hmmm,,,, Either plants, yoga, or hooping. Might be video games, actually haha
12) Do I have ADHD: Not that I am aware of.
13) Do I wear glasses: Occasionally
14) Favourite cartoon character: Fuck, that's a hard question... probably Louise Belcher
15) Three things I did today: Redid my Patreon to hopefully get it reinstated, ate french fries and watered my plants
16) Three things I regularly drink: Water, Juice, and Sweet Tea (also Margaritas @zen ;p)
17) Current dislike: It'd be easier to ask what I like currently.
18) Favourite place to go: Target
19) How did I ring in the New Year: Sleeping?
20) Favourite place to travel: I've only been there once, but Vancouver. I love Canada.
21) Nominate five people to pass this on: @psypher @ceres @sawa @sunshine @fresa
22) Favourite color: Green
23) Do I like satin sheets: Sure
24) Can I whistle: Yepp
25) What am I doing right now: Sitting on the couch with the pup watching Friends.
26) Would I like to be a pirate: If I get to be captain.
27) Favourite food: Free food.
28) Last time I laughed: Like rn, I am watching Friends, after all!
29) Last time I received flowers: mm, my birthday? So February. That's disappointing :/
30) Most recent injury: Fractured knee back in January
31) How many pets: 6! 2 Betta fish, 2 rats, 2 cats (my bf also has a dog and 3 geckos)
32) Worst pain ever: I'd rather not.
33) Do I like to dance: Mhmm :)
35) Do I love my life: Umm, yeah! Could be better, but I'm working on it.
36) Summer or winter: Winter, please and thank you!
37) Grandchildren: I don't even have kids hahah
38) Car or van: Depends on the actual vehicle. I've had both and preferred the van, though.
39) People person or not: Not, I'm sure this is the most anyone has learned about me in one sitting ever.
40) Best day of my life: Honestly I've had too many to pick the best one. That's pretty cool, though if I ever get Front Page, that might be it hahah ;p
Hope ya'll enjoyed learning a bit about me. I'm so not an open person and this is the most I've talked about myself since joining SG! Love ya'll<3