I put away my bag today for the last time. I could have just left it out in the open like it has been since I moved here, more or less, but lately it's been kind of like a constant reminder and it's one that I don't need right now. I should just throw it's contents out, but I've invested a lot of time, effort,... Read More
I had a pretty gnarly weekend. Well, a pretty gnarly long weekend actually, since I didn't go to work Friday or Monday. Not looking forward to my next payday though. I've altered my budget so I can survive on $700/pay rather then $1000/pay, thanks to a much appreciated loan from Citi Finacial. So, as long as I can make $700 per payday, I'll do fine.... Read More
I keep forgetting to ask you whether you want to go to the SG Gala in June? I've been meaning to ask Kev too, but.....you know how I am with that......
Well, I had another attack at work this morning/last night. It's very upsetting to me because I was starting to feel like I had overcome this; it wasn't an issue anymore. And now I'm worried that I will collapse again at work and not able to come back until they find something definetive that's wrong wih me. Last time, it took countless tests and three... Read More
Started my workout schedule today, hoping it'll work this time around. I originally planned on doing a full body workout three times a week, but I decided to isolate muscle groups and work out six times a week instead. I'm going to bulk up (aka, gain muscle mass) as much as I can, then six weeks before the vacation to Cuba I'm going to switch... Read More
A house? Where is this house thing coming from? Though there are some nice houses in the Beaches area, and there are definitely advantages to a house vs. a condo.....I could see myself in a small house, actually I think that would be pretty neat. Ok, I concede, possibly a house.....plus more room for cats. I mean, a cat.
As for the diet, I will try not to tamper with it on the weekends. Send me some recipes for stuff you can eat though, eh? Seriously, send them.
Last few hours have been an excellent end to my long weekend. Went to UFC being shown at Shoeless Joe's with a bunch of people, it was good. Two very good fights, even thoguh the event was a little long for my liking. I like quick fights becasue usually by the 3rd round, the fighters have no energy left and just grope eachother for the... Read More
Yesterday was ok, helped out a friend with some contract flash work. I wished I could've been more help, but I'm pretty rusty with the program, so i'll need to work on that. I guess this means i'll be getting back into website design, graphics, and probably photo manipulation too.
Speaking of which, I picked up a camera yesterday. I realize the reason I'm in... Read More
- no work last night, today, or tommorrow = extra long weekend
- J coming over, much pot is in the air
- Guitar Hero marathon this afternoon, and will continue tommorrow night
- girlfriend coming over tommorrow, going camera shopping with suprise buttsecks later
Speaking of buttsecks, well sex in general, I've decided I need to buy some kind... Read More