My kittens. ♥ them.

Nothing much new. Life is peachy
I did sort of quit my job, to either branch off on my own or possibly go back to school. Tossing that around for a bit. Tried not to burn my bridges too much and am still doing quite a bit of side work with my former employer.
It's cool.
This past weekend, the 16th annual Battle of the Bars.
If you've never heard of such an event, here's a quick run-down.
Virtually every local bar worth it's salt and quite a few local businesses put teams together to compete for the title of Most Drunken Fools, or something.
Here, they close off the street, sometimes dress outlandishly, and run an obstacle course performing grand feats of service industry prowess. While drinking heavily. All day.
First, bartenders must mix a margarita.

Waitresses run the drink to a table through the cones. Spill the drink, you go back and start over.

To the table, and your team mate pounds the drink.

Wipe the table down and run it to the trash.
Then tag your other teammate who then grabs a keg and rolls it down the track and taps it.

Tap complete, another teammate pours a round for everyone on the team, including the guy who was just pounding margaritas
Then another server runs the tray full of drinks over a balance beam to the waiting team,


depending on what team you are playing for of course
and then each teammate must pound their beer and place the empty cup on their head.

Then you celebrate !

Get your team picture taken.

Horse around a little.

If you're a local and happy about the new artifical reef you might parade around in the HMS Vandenbeer.

And there you have it.
Gotta run.
I'm off this afternoon to take a jet ski tour around the island with a special someone.
What's new with you ?
What do you think of going back to school at 40 ?
I don't have too many reservations honestly.
Might even consider the online route. Who knows ?
Hope you're all well.

Nothing much new. Life is peachy

I did sort of quit my job, to either branch off on my own or possibly go back to school. Tossing that around for a bit. Tried not to burn my bridges too much and am still doing quite a bit of side work with my former employer.
It's cool.
This past weekend, the 16th annual Battle of the Bars.
If you've never heard of such an event, here's a quick run-down.
Virtually every local bar worth it's salt and quite a few local businesses put teams together to compete for the title of Most Drunken Fools, or something.
Here, they close off the street, sometimes dress outlandishly, and run an obstacle course performing grand feats of service industry prowess. While drinking heavily. All day.

First, bartenders must mix a margarita.

Waitresses run the drink to a table through the cones. Spill the drink, you go back and start over.

To the table, and your team mate pounds the drink.

Wipe the table down and run it to the trash.
Then tag your other teammate who then grabs a keg and rolls it down the track and taps it.

Tap complete, another teammate pours a round for everyone on the team, including the guy who was just pounding margaritas

Then another server runs the tray full of drinks over a balance beam to the waiting team,


depending on what team you are playing for of course

and then each teammate must pound their beer and place the empty cup on their head.

Then you celebrate !

Get your team picture taken.

Horse around a little.

If you're a local and happy about the new artifical reef you might parade around in the HMS Vandenbeer.

And there you have it.
Gotta run.
I'm off this afternoon to take a jet ski tour around the island with a special someone.
What's new with you ?
What do you think of going back to school at 40 ?
I don't have too many reservations honestly.
Might even consider the online route. Who knows ?
Hope you're all well.
Will there be drag queens there?
Most excellent.