Does anyone know anyone who knows someone who has a hook-up to unload some iguanas ?
We have more iguanas than you can shake a stick at. Ya can't walk 20 feet without trippin over one of the bloody fuckers. I'm going to set some grey matter to building a en masse iguana trap-o-ramma .
I am thinking maybe a restaurant. I heard they are very popular eatin in South America. Chicken of the Trees they call 'em ! Costa Rica is trying to farm them because they've been hunted out.
Help me think of a catchy name for a tree chicken restaurant.
Or maybe we'll just hire some trappers and start exporting.
Any Steve Irwin types out there need a regular job ?
I'm tellin ya, there is a mint to be had here in the iguana trappin trade. You could be like the Pied Piper of the Keys iguana population.
Job change plans are currently on hold for the next couple of months... trying to get something off the ground with a friend outside work and things keep changing to sway my focus.. but I guess thats just life
Thanks for the sleeve comments.... I'm really, really happy with the work so far... more being done in a couple of weeks. How is your leg peice going?
I'm gonna cop-out and rant that I hate this new lay-out !
But I'm probably just too stupid to realize I'm posting on my own page.