ohhhh wow im sooo totally surprised my sent went up so fast
really big thanks to albertine who did such a great and fantastic job!! shes an wonderful lady with an inspiring life and heart!
.... thanks so much for your lovely comments!!! thank uuuuu i try to reply them all ...
btw the shoes are from vivienne westwood, i loveeeeee them
thanks to my sister who made me them as a present!!
london was really greaet most time... i just did a big mistake "for myself", but i dont want to talk about that ... anyway i will get a second chance... and i will USE this second chance
Deep Dish were sooooo amazing, cant tell in words, their music was just great great great! thanks to them!!!! special to ali! amazing!!! (one of the deepdish guys)
i really cried when i left london and was on the airport ...
i met soooo many nice people there in london, .... i also met
silvery : hes such an intelligent guy, his heart is full with good vibes, thanks again so much for beeing so kind and nice to me! MRSMUT: without you my mistake would be so much bigger! you know that! thanks so much!!! i dont know how to say thanks for this evening!!!
i really want to live in londres one day for a while... i really thinking of going there --- honestly!!!! many peolple are different to here... shure, not everything is "pink", but there are soo many possibilities and most people seem more open minded in a way! i feel always like "beeing at home" when im in london....
i envy my sister who is living there for a while there.... hmmmm
after london i spent some days at home... had a nice time with my family ... and nature is wonderful
i just came back home now (from all the trips) yesterday in the late night... so tomorrow i have to go to work again...
i would need some days more to cope with all the things that happened to me the last two weeks...
from the hell
to the heaven and back....
hope you are all doing fine!!! send u all lots of love
and now
picture time:
ministry of sound
mrsmut and me
ministry 2
deep dish
unflattering and laughing in the nature *lol*
again nature
again nature
natureeeeee *g*
my lovely sister!!
AHH my english is horrible today, dont know why

really big thanks to albertine who did such a great and fantastic job!! shes an wonderful lady with an inspiring life and heart!
.... thanks so much for your lovely comments!!! thank uuuuu i try to reply them all ...

london was really greaet most time... i just did a big mistake "for myself", but i dont want to talk about that ... anyway i will get a second chance... and i will USE this second chance

Deep Dish were sooooo amazing, cant tell in words, their music was just great great great! thanks to them!!!! special to ali! amazing!!! (one of the deepdish guys)
i really cried when i left london and was on the airport ...
i met soooo many nice people there in london, .... i also met
silvery : hes such an intelligent guy, his heart is full with good vibes, thanks again so much for beeing so kind and nice to me! MRSMUT: without you my mistake would be so much bigger! you know that! thanks so much!!! i dont know how to say thanks for this evening!!!

i really want to live in londres one day for a while... i really thinking of going there --- honestly!!!! many peolple are different to here... shure, not everything is "pink", but there are soo many possibilities and most people seem more open minded in a way! i feel always like "beeing at home" when im in london....

after london i spent some days at home... had a nice time with my family ... and nature is wonderful
i just came back home now (from all the trips) yesterday in the late night... so tomorrow i have to go to work again...

from the hell
to the heaven and back....
hope you are all doing fine!!! send u all lots of love

and now
picture time:

ministry of sound

mrsmut and me

ministry 2

deep dish

unflattering and laughing in the nature *lol*


again nature


again nature

natureeeeee *g*

my lovely sister!!
AHH my english is horrible today, dont know why

=-> Alecks