And so endeth the strike. We survived, and I did not have to do porn or sell pictures of my feet just to survive. Damn.

Great pumpkins! I like the one with the puss 😻❤️‍🔥
Very cool
Yup, that looks right 😅. Our cats did the same thing 😺
Went picketing last night. Was only supposed to be there from eight to midnight, but ended up staying till four in the morning because nobody showed up after midnight. It's amazing how sore you're back can get just from standing around on hard concrete in the cold for eight hours.

Got some French onion soup and lots of croissants at least, and the cute security
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Wow, what dedication! Standing in the cold for that long must have been tough. I hope you’re recovering well! 💪✨
@cah, Felt like hot trash yesterday, but feel much better today. Also, it wasn't so much dedication as it was not wanting to lose the spot for everyone else. If a picketing location goes unmanned for a certain length of time, everyone else loses the right to picket there from that point on. Though I'm not sure what the timeframe actually is, I certainly wasn't going to be the guy responsible for losing the location!

The Boy and I, after having enjoyed our respective breakfasts.

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...and left soaked to the bone from rain.

Absolutely no regrets though!

Went to see Orville Peck. If you don't know who he is, and like country music, you should check him out!

Just before the rain started. It waxed and wanted, but after it began, it never stopped for the rest of the show.

A clip of the show. I have perilously little space
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Tomorrow may be my last day at work for awhile, as I'm sure the union I'm part of is going to strike. I've been scrimping and saving for it, but I'm not as well off as I wish I was.

If I'd have been smart, I'd have worked more overtime and gotten another source of income lined up beforehand, but I didn't do those things....
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So a strike is coming at my work, I'm sure of it. I'd rather it not, and everyone get what makes them happy, but it seems like it's probably inevitable at this point. It'd be nice to have saved more money beforehand ("Strike? In THIS economy?!"), but that's what happens when you don't work any voluntary overtime. Maybe I can sell feet pics while I'm...
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Friends we made at the beach today.

There's no zooming in these pictures, as they came right up to us. They were more concerned with eating sand fleas than anything else, and whenever I'd start digging in the sand (exposing the sand fleas), they'd become my new best friends! Little buggers would even follow me around too! 😁

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Thanks for sharing 😃 this is great

So I put some hair off my brush onto the Furry Fella...

...and was immediately reminded of a certain someone I'm sure we're all sick to death of. I did get a kick out of the thought though.

"We're going to build the BIGGEST cat trees! They're going to be the BEST cat trees! They're going to be 'UGE... and we're going to get the
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