So last night, while preparing for the opera, I put on a pair of dress pants I'd grabbed randomly from my upstairs closet, and after putting them on, found they were a pair that haven't fit me since I was in my late twenties. I only realized it when I put my hands in the pockets and found the old tags from long ago still there. It was then that I remembered that I'd bought them as part of a suit, back when I was slim, strong, and thoty. I never did anything with them after buying them, save maybe pose in some long since deleted "sexy" pics of me de-clothing in them, and after I turned 30, they never fit me again.
After many months of exercise, and most recent, a month so far of calorie counting (during which time I've lost 16lbs/7.25kg), it surprised the hell out of me when I realized I'd just put on old me's pants again. I haven't been that guy in a very long time, and here I was wearing his clothes once more.
Of course, how do I celebrate this milestone? By getting a cheeseburger and fries after the show, because what better way to celebrate getting healthier than by having cheap, greasy drive through? 😅