The other day I was tagged by @richsquared to share a cherished item with all of you here, and I have to say... that's quite a question to ask someone who's an admitted packrat with way too much cherished stuff. It's hard to pick just one, so I'll give you three. Spoilers for the brief story of each so you can pick and choose.
Norah's Rabbit
Norah was my beloved little monster girl, and lived to be 14 before cancer happened. She was a vicious little creature by any measure, hating all other cats, especially other females. She relentlessly clawed everything, sprayed to mark her turf like a male, and was a horrible bully to other animals (including the boy who you've all seen on my page). She would growl at people who pet her wrong, eventually biting them if they persisted, with only two people in her entire life ever being able to pet her correctly according to her. The only other person besides me who could pet her right was an old friend of mine, who being another antisocial girl with borderline personality, could probably understand Norah in a way no other human could.
When Norah lived in farm country, back when I was still just a kid living with my mom, she was a voracious serial killer, viciously murdering and dismembering anything she could get her paws on, including rabbits. Especially rabbits. If rabbits could create mythology, she would be one of their worst nightmare horrors, and the stuff of the most terrifying campfire legends.
When she came to live with me after I'd moved out, she mostly became an indoor girl, where she could no longer eviscerate the local wildlife. I got her this stuffed rabbit as a means of hopefully bringing her joy, and it quickly became her favorite toy to gnaw on and kick around over the years. It brought her joy to grab and murder again and again, and brought me joy to know it made her happy.
Norah's Rabbit is one of the few things I have left of her now. After 14 years of life, her death was as close to losing a child as I will probably ever know (not having any children myself). I miss her whenever I think about her, and I will cherish her little stuffed bunny for the rest of my days. If anyone who handles my funeral really knows me, I will probably be buried with it.
The Portland Bouquet
The 21st of this month will mark the five year anniversary that I received this. I got it from my girlfriend, back before she was my girlfriend. We'd been mostly Internet friends for roughly seven years, only occasionally seeing each other in person when one of us travelled to the others area for an event, but it was in 2020 that we really began talking, getting to know each other, connecting, and flirting.
I'd taken a train several hundred miles to meet her in Portland. The last time we'd seen each other we were just friends, and this would be the first time seeing each other since becoming something more over the phone and on messenger.
When I arrived at the station, she was there waiting for me, and gave me this bouquet, which at the time was still vibrant with life. It's a simple thing, just a single rose and some ferns, but nobody had ever bought me flowers before, and I was taken aback by it. It touched me far more than she realized, and made my heart glow.
By the time we got to the hotel room I had reserved, we lasted a total of two minutes before the clothes began coming off, and we became more than just friends. We fucked for nearly five hours straight, laughing and chatting in the minutes between bouts before falling onto each other once more. Only after tiring ourselves out after six or seven times did we finally leave for awhile to get some pizza nearby, only to immediately pounce on each other again once we got back. The night ended with her sucking the soul out of my body with a joyful smile, and then the two of us cuddling up together, happy and satisfied, to sleep the night away.
That whole weekend was a non-stop marathon of sex, with the two of us only really leaving the hotel for food, and to stop once at a retro arcade, where we kissed in the photo booth. It was also much more than a bone-fest, and was the start of something more, with us genuinely bonding and truly getting to know each other along the way.
The bouquet I took home with me on the train became a cherished reminder of that wonderful first weekend together that started it all.
When she learned I still had it months later, it surprised her, as she'd assumed I'd probably get rid of it once it began to wither, but when I explained what it meant to me, she understood. Dried to stay preserved, it now sits over the
fireplace, where it's safe from danger, and a reminder of that wonderful time when we first came together.
Lastly, as of last year, we decided we should make Feb 21st a personal holiday for us, one to be celebrated with all day non-stop sex and pizza. This will be the first year we properly celebrate it, so I hope we still have the stamina for it. All those trips to the gym should be worth something, right?
The Smiling Gnome
This little fella is both the newest, and the oldest keepsake I have here. Originally belonging to my grandpa, he sat in my grandpa's office for roughly thirty years.
I remember seeing him as a child, and liking the little fellow. He was not only a gnome, but also one who reminded me of a little Quaker, what with his lack of mustache. Whenever I'd be over to visit over the years, I'd often poke my head into my grandpa's office just to see the little guy.
My grandpa passed away nearly a year ago. Though it took months to do, my family eventually had to clear out his house and put it up for sale. I had the unfortunate task of going to choose things of his that I wanted to keep, but taking other people's things is something I've never been comfortable with. I also have way too much stuff as is, and it quickly became clear that my grandpa was a packrat like me (I may have even inherited it from him to begin with), which added further challenge.
I wanted very little in the end, but when I saw the little fellow again, I knew nobody would probably appreciate him the way I do. As such, he was the first to come home with me. Right now he stands among my plants under a grow light (among the greenery is an appropriate place for a gnome), though I intend to find him a place of greater distinction come spring, when the plants go outside. Given he's over thirty, and indoors is where he's been living, indoors is where he'll stay, and like Norah's Rabbit, I'll probably cherish him till the day that I die, and hopefully pass him on to someone who likes him as much as me and isn't creeped out by gnomes.
I rarely get these, and don't know who to tag, so I'll tag some recently added friends, and a few I've followed here for years 😁