Oof... So after cutting back my workouts considerably during the holiday season, I went back to full exercises last week... and now I hurt in the worst way.
See... I've also been stretching a lot, and have gotten my legs to open wider and wider over the last few months (I've got the ridiculous goal of eventually reaching gymnastics influencer girl range in my legs, which is something not a lot of guys go for). This increased range of movement of course translates to certain muscular exercises... like the Hip Adduction machine.
After a long time away, I found on Friday that I could almost do the widest range possible on it, which I couldn't do before. Naturally, I went for it, the reasoning being that if I CAN work my muscles to their full mobility range, I SHOULD work my muscles to their full mobility range. That way all muscle growth is built to allow strength across the entire range, not just whatever measly, limited part most people I see at the gym actually work.
I even lowered the weight considerably to be easier on those muscles, which have never worked in that range before. It felt like a good workout at the time, enough to be challenging without pushing myself too far.
Now, two days later, I can barely move my legs, and the pain in my upper inner thighs is INTENSE. Not the sharp pain of torn muscles fortunately, but the absolute worst an aching pain can be. Every time I moved my legs last night, I woke up from the pain.
I've a feeling that come next leg day, they will absolutely NOT be ready to go again (so I likely won't even try). I dread trying to go to work tomorrow. Maybe I'll just stay in bed instead.
Damn... and I wanted to do some really rigorous fucking this weekend too. Instead, here I lay, writing this with an ice pack between my legs. Lesson learned I guess... 😅