I am enthralled by a girl who's ensorcelled my heart, one who I yearn to be close to in a multitude of forms, yet we are separated in so many ways.
We are hundreds of miles apart, we are up at different times of the day, and we have different days off. I want so desperately to be with her, but fate and circumstance are both motherfuckers. Of course, this hasn't stopped the both of us from trying in whatever ways we can.
Tonight she is out having a wonderful time, while tonight I am at work. I can't say that I'm not a little bit jealous, but then, what can I do? I have rapidly grown to adore her in ways I never thought I ever would, and her of I... but I think I should be realistic as well. I guess it's best to play it day by day.
16 days. 16 days till we see each other again. Everything else that happens afterwards is simply where the chips may fall.