A very good friend of mine is going to school in Germany, studying for her Masters. She is almost there, and just turned in her term paper for her previous quarter, one she's been working on tirelessly for almost a month straight. She didn't have anyone to celebrate with her, so she got a hold of me to share a beer with her, from half way across the globe and in a completely different time zone, to which I happily obliged :)
She made fun of me a bit, for drinking at 8am in my part of the world, saying she must either be real awesome, or that I'm a total pushover. Truth be told, as awesome as I find her, I am totally a pushover.
In the end, not only am I happy for her, but to be honest, it gave me the warm fuzzies that she thought of me to celebrate with, even if I couldn't be there in person. Hopefully for her next milestone she has people who can celebrate with her.
Until then though, I'm happy to crack open a good ale with her from across the world, even if I must drink it for breakfast.