What happens when the person you truly are is the antithesis of the person you want to be, all the things you've ever wanted to do with your life but haven't been doing fall farther and farther from your grasp, and you can no longer muster up the will or desire to do anything about it? Do you just go on, day after day in a dreary, miserable loop, until you die? How can anyone change from that without outside help, and why on earth would anyone help somebody like that, when they have their own lives to think about? What would motivate them to change someone who can't even motivate themselves to change?
The only thing I can see is that you'd wonder endlessly, lost, trying to find the elusive road to happiness, always forever just one street over but never reachable. Life becomes an endless road trip to a destination you've known you were supposed to show up to, but will never get to. You may try to drown out the feeling of growing failure with diversions to help you enjoy the road, like music and pit stops and games, but you'll always know in the back of your mind, that you're on the road to nowhere, and you're never getting off of it.
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