The desire I have to respect another person's life choices and wish them the best is conflicting heavily right now with my desire to respect my beliefs and disagreement of those life choices. I want to see people happy, and don't want to buzz kill them with my presence, but I don't want to change the way I act to accommodate a lifestyle choice or choices I find foolish.
I guess it's time to back away and make my exit. I shall mourn for and think favorably upon old memories, while wishing the new people I leave behind the best with their lives ahead. It's the most I can do if I can't be supportive.
I did take that person as a whole, only from my perspective, that person changed. We are not the people we once were, and the two people who became friends years ago are both just as dead as the other. As to tough love... no, it won't work. The decisions are being supported and accepted by all the other friends, I'd just be the odd one out being a dick, and I don't want that. Their life, their choices. We were fond of each other once, I'd rather just step back and let the friendship wither than watch it burn down with fire. At least that way, I can be the "Whatever happened to that guy? He was cool back when we used to hang out" rather than the "Fuck that asshole, I'm ashamed I was ever friends with him in the first place!" In this way, no negativity is caused, and good memories remain good memories.
And yes, it was Beetlejuice :)