I lie here Naked.exposed. the wound is not yet closed. Emotions running out of me In torrents like blood from this past.this recent beautiful disaster .But then as I'm wreathed in my heartache ..in she steps.an old flame built from a spark established years before now. her smile is closing this wound. Smiles that lead a way back to who we both are I believe. Fear scratches and pulls at it as I heal Still it screams ..to much to soon to fast so much still to lose..this high will never last I always latch on to the meaningful so tightly.to the ones I love and who love me. That's part of how I ended up in this mess. But shes the sun and I am a shadow on it. She is slowly dawning on my darkness. Reversing this hurt. I could never repay her.but I wont be afraid to love her either.ive already learned Love is not something to fear.fear is the problem.a demon of high rank.one I must best now.