Thank you to @youreyeshere for pushing me to write about a topic I have been considering typing here for a few weeks.
*This is of the cuff and unedited. Please grant me the latitude for accidental offense. Please grant me pardon. I will attempt to write with grace.
This is social commentary, not directed at specific women or personal choice. As a man, I tend to steer clear of telling women what they should and should not do. Not my place. Women, do your thing.
Back to social commentary. The prevalence of women who do not have pubic hair is overwhelming, especially in advertising, pornography, art, business. I would argue across all areas of social strata, here in modernity, in the public sphere. You add armpit hair to this and it is close to absolute.
I can see a couple of co-factors contributing to this. I will try to keep this short for the attention span for many is limited.
-Females who are hairless are pubescent. There is a fetishization of children, especially girls. One could argue pedophilia has become a national past time.
-The hairless body is sanitized. Welcome to the new age, a copy of the religious orthrodoxy, where bodies smell like sanitized stainless steel and the the body is a commodity.
-Body as object. The hairless is a form of control, as a culture we control objects, so therefore, the female body is an object in the western world, so we will coerce said woman to behave more like one. The object is also something we can look closely at detail, because we have total control of it. There is something here about the lack of mystery of a womens body, the fluroscent light shining on all bits and pieces of an object. I am missing the nuance of this, but as Robert Johnson said: "Man fucks women; Noun verb object".
-Internalized oppression is real. Rejection of our bodies, and the force of control over them creeps in to our psyches.
Thank you for your time. Curious to hear reactions and responses.
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