so im done for the week, finally gettin some time off. Going to tampa for the weekend to visit the sibling. Nothing like a little college style craziness to take the edge off. Nothing really exciting happened at work... i worked a big confusing Forgery case- oh the excitement- that ended up going no-where. I saved some neighborhood puppies that got lost.... thats really it. Oh ya, and i did a buck 25 last night on the freeway comin home from a friends house- I past a trooper slowing down around 115. Goods times, it seems like the world gets all streaky when your driven fast
oh yah, i had the wierdest dream last night- me and my ex girlfriends dad had a blaszing gun battle. Its was real Hollywood. I have absoluty no idea what it means- me and him actually got along really well, but it was cool non the less.
oh yah, i had the wierdest dream last night- me and my ex girlfriends dad had a blaszing gun battle. Its was real Hollywood. I have absoluty no idea what it means- me and him actually got along really well, but it was cool non the less.
It means that you want to fuck your uncle, your neighbours & a wild boar - according to Freud
yes, but little do you know tha i want it all at the same time