Thanks for all the well wishes people! Its hard to knock me down so no worries. No matter what is going on in my life I always keep an eye on the big picture. I strive very hard not to form a tiny little bubble around my existence. There are aboriginees dealing with racism in Oceana, war in the middle east, corruption in third world countries, and lots of other crap out there. The way I see it, not matter how much my life around here dumps on me, I've still got it pretty damn lucky and I'm going to enjoy it for all its worth! That being said, a close friend of mine all the way from kindergarten is having a little birthday bar crawl in the old port Portland. If you're out that night and see me, give a shout out and wish the birthday girl a good time. We're going to get obliterated and stagger back into the hotel! Thanks again all for the support and get out there and enjoy life!