so lately i have been rereading my catullus (latin poet 1st c. BCE), and there have been many points at which i have gotten goosebumps. For your poetic pleasure i reproduce one of my favorite poetic images, from poem 7
quaeris quot mihi basiationes
tuae lesbiae sint satis superque
aut quam sidera multa , cum tacet nox
furtivos hominum vident amores
[you ask how many of your kisses, my Lesbia,
are enough and more to satisfy me
as many as the multitude of stars, which, when night is silent
gaze upon the stolen loves of men]
quaeris quot mihi basiationes
tuae lesbiae sint satis superque
aut quam sidera multa , cum tacet nox
furtivos hominum vident amores
[you ask how many of your kisses, my Lesbia,
are enough and more to satisfy me
as many as the multitude of stars, which, when night is silent
gaze upon the stolen loves of men]
it sucks tho. it's all effed up and some days i can hardly walk on it

nothing just yeat. the doctor told me to wear this brace and we are doing physical therapy. if it isn't improving in a month or two i might go under the knife
no fun!