oooooo eeeee
a long overdue journal update. again ive gotta shell out MAD props for those true die hards among you who have stuck through this lack of journal updates. ye shall not be forgotten.
on to recent events.
well i moved back to chi for the summer and my first night back seemed promising. friends and i went to exit a punk rock club and danced till 5 am then got food at clarkes...stumbling home at 8. next morning at like 3 om when i awoke i cooked everyone cherry chocolate vanilla pancakes and tofu/potato scramble with black bean sauce.
then everything went to hell. i lost my walllet. a first time even since i was 15 and received my fiorst wallet. well i get a call from blockuster in massachusetts sayingt hat "dominos pizza has your wallet". that wasnt exactly helpful so i called blockbuster and they said that it was a dominos in cambridge mass. i calmly explained a) there is no dominoes in cambridge mass. 2) im in chicago. to no avail. so i called every dominos in chicago (32) and none of them claimed to have my wallet. with a touch of foreshadowing my mother claimed that if thats the worst thing to happen to me all summer.
dunh dunh. then last onday tragedy struck. for the first but not the last time.
i was out road cycling at a meaty 23 mph when a car blew through an
intersection and hit me square on. still clipped into my pedals i flipped
twice (attached to my bike mind you) in mid air and landed on the street on my
skull before being dragged about 10 feet. thats the bad news. my bike, all
1300 dollars of it. totalled: frame (which was made of steel tubing)
destroyed. the good news is I WAS WEARING MY GODDAMN HELMET. which
incidentally, cracked in half upon impact. also the entire rigth side of my
body neck shoulders arms legs hips are bruised to hell and i have road rash on
most of my shoulder and arm. thank god that otherwise im fine and only
suffered "superficial" wounds (meaning i ll be out biking and running on thu )
anyway it was a hit and run bit there were about 50 witnesses who blocked the
guy in so his car couldnt leave an intersection further on and so i got his
name (self reported) and license number ( i took it down) and called cops and
an ambulance. guy didnt even apologize to me he just asked that i come talk to
the guy who was blocking his car at the intersection to "stop yelling at him".
anyway after i got his name and licesen guy had to pull around to get back tot
he scene of the crash to talk to the cops (one way street). instead, he takes
off. why am i sharing this tragic tale? first cos im pissed as fuck my bike is
totalled. second bec ause the only way to recoup my medical bills and cost of my bike is to sue the guy. boy arent i excited to do that since most judges and juries (wrongly) view cyclists as people who "ruin" the road for cars. therefore i can expect hostility and in fact i will probably be told that bthe accident was MY FAULT. god i hate illinois laws about cyclists which are absurd. i also hate jerks. hence im full of hate towards this guy that hit me and left. like i said though im just happy to be alive
wait it gets better. so a few days after the accident im hangin with this girl i have a huge crush on were flkirtin ya know the usual so i ask her out and she gives me some vague answer so i ask her out at a different date and i get the "yeah ssure ill call you sometime" ie "NO". so feeling mopey and all lovelorn i walk home from the clkub we were at (instead of taking the el) a juicy 6 mile walk. mainly id did it because a) it was a beautiful night and b ) i wanted to brood like the good lil closet goth boy i am. well as im meditating on how my summer couldnt get anay worse i walk in my apt and reallize i somehow have lost me glasses. at which point i just start crackin up laughing because nothing else could possibly go wrong.
then this morning my toaster malfunctioned and physically CAUGHT FIRE scorching my cabinets and coming damn close to burning my apt down.
man im gonna wait till i hit rock bottom (its gotta happen soon) and then buy a lottery ticket. when i win iom flyin yall out to chicago for drinks and a make out party. god i need a makeout party and to win the lottery those two things would make everything alright.
LOL man hope everyone else is having better luck than me!
a long overdue journal update. again ive gotta shell out MAD props for those true die hards among you who have stuck through this lack of journal updates. ye shall not be forgotten.
on to recent events.
well i moved back to chi for the summer and my first night back seemed promising. friends and i went to exit a punk rock club and danced till 5 am then got food at clarkes...stumbling home at 8. next morning at like 3 om when i awoke i cooked everyone cherry chocolate vanilla pancakes and tofu/potato scramble with black bean sauce.
then everything went to hell. i lost my walllet. a first time even since i was 15 and received my fiorst wallet. well i get a call from blockuster in massachusetts sayingt hat "dominos pizza has your wallet". that wasnt exactly helpful so i called blockbuster and they said that it was a dominos in cambridge mass. i calmly explained a) there is no dominoes in cambridge mass. 2) im in chicago. to no avail. so i called every dominos in chicago (32) and none of them claimed to have my wallet. with a touch of foreshadowing my mother claimed that if thats the worst thing to happen to me all summer.
dunh dunh. then last onday tragedy struck. for the first but not the last time.
i was out road cycling at a meaty 23 mph when a car blew through an
intersection and hit me square on. still clipped into my pedals i flipped
twice (attached to my bike mind you) in mid air and landed on the street on my
skull before being dragged about 10 feet. thats the bad news. my bike, all
1300 dollars of it. totalled: frame (which was made of steel tubing)
destroyed. the good news is I WAS WEARING MY GODDAMN HELMET. which
incidentally, cracked in half upon impact. also the entire rigth side of my
body neck shoulders arms legs hips are bruised to hell and i have road rash on
most of my shoulder and arm. thank god that otherwise im fine and only
suffered "superficial" wounds (meaning i ll be out biking and running on thu )
anyway it was a hit and run bit there were about 50 witnesses who blocked the
guy in so his car couldnt leave an intersection further on and so i got his
name (self reported) and license number ( i took it down) and called cops and
an ambulance. guy didnt even apologize to me he just asked that i come talk to
the guy who was blocking his car at the intersection to "stop yelling at him".
anyway after i got his name and licesen guy had to pull around to get back tot
he scene of the crash to talk to the cops (one way street). instead, he takes
off. why am i sharing this tragic tale? first cos im pissed as fuck my bike is
totalled. second bec ause the only way to recoup my medical bills and cost of my bike is to sue the guy. boy arent i excited to do that since most judges and juries (wrongly) view cyclists as people who "ruin" the road for cars. therefore i can expect hostility and in fact i will probably be told that bthe accident was MY FAULT. god i hate illinois laws about cyclists which are absurd. i also hate jerks. hence im full of hate towards this guy that hit me and left. like i said though im just happy to be alive
wait it gets better. so a few days after the accident im hangin with this girl i have a huge crush on were flkirtin ya know the usual so i ask her out and she gives me some vague answer so i ask her out at a different date and i get the "yeah ssure ill call you sometime" ie "NO". so feeling mopey and all lovelorn i walk home from the clkub we were at (instead of taking the el) a juicy 6 mile walk. mainly id did it because a) it was a beautiful night and b ) i wanted to brood like the good lil closet goth boy i am. well as im meditating on how my summer couldnt get anay worse i walk in my apt and reallize i somehow have lost me glasses. at which point i just start crackin up laughing because nothing else could possibly go wrong.
then this morning my toaster malfunctioned and physically CAUGHT FIRE scorching my cabinets and coming damn close to burning my apt down.
man im gonna wait till i hit rock bottom (its gotta happen soon) and then buy a lottery ticket. when i win iom flyin yall out to chicago for drinks and a make out party. god i need a makeout party and to win the lottery those two things would make everything alright.
LOL man hope everyone else is having better luck than me!
he's an old boy, I guess... he was my drink/fuck buddy who went to Montreal with me back in March.
we should kill that fucker who totalled your bike, though.