wanna know how great I am? I just got funded to throw a pirate party by Harvard Univ. So, my fellow bostonians keep an eye on SGB and ill give details on how you can come over and help me show these rich kids how to debauch like a true swashbuckler.
anyone know any good pirate tunes (besides deals gone bad/murder city devils?) hook me up.
oh and im not allowed to watch underworld anymore it makes me whine "wheres MY kate beckinsdale?..I want one!"
ah, in OTHER news. tommorow im having dinner with noam chomsky (well hes coming to dinner with me and a shitload (in fact a dining hall full) of other students but "im having dinner with noam chomsky" just sounds waaaay more impressive
rock and or roll people
anyone know any good pirate tunes (besides deals gone bad/murder city devils?) hook me up.
oh and im not allowed to watch underworld anymore it makes me whine "wheres MY kate beckinsdale?..I want one!"
ah, in OTHER news. tommorow im having dinner with noam chomsky (well hes coming to dinner with me and a shitload (in fact a dining hall full) of other students but "im having dinner with noam chomsky" just sounds waaaay more impressive
rock and or roll people
much to my chagrin I am in NJ this weekend...a pirate party is so my thing too....I guess, its all for the better...I have a thing for pirates...and after about the 5th drink...well, lets just say, it wouldn't be a pretty sight.

damnation, i'm not going to be able to come to your pirate party after all. stranded in providence with nary a tall ship to save me. hope it's a worthy grog-fest.