top 4 reaosns life sucks and top 4 reason life rules
1) my neighbor is an OCD bitch from taiwan who comes over hear even when my stereo is playing so low i can barely hear it and i have to turn it down even more because im applyin to be an RA and have to be "nice"
2) last night i dreamt that somebody loved me (to quote morrisey) and i woke up and felt like shit all day
3) i desperately need to shower as i worked out all day yesterday and fell asleep gross but couldnt shower cos ive been at class since 9 am (now its 1145pm)
4) to quote skankersaur (RIP) "I got no chickz"
1) hapkido. not only did my round house actually knock my instructor off balance so that she almost fell (even with a kick pad) i did an amazing throw with perfect form. kicking ass rules
2) i get my new heart rate monitor/ gps watch in the mail friday. now i can precisely check my heart rate while masturbating. also while training. cool.
3) i get my new bass amp friday too. fucking outstanding
4)i kicked ass in my medieval law class today. i mean i dominated. not only did i accurately date our manuscript by its paleographical characteristics. i also correctly identfied by a variety of signs how we can rather precisely date it by other factors inherent in the physical manuscript itself (quire structuire, binding leaf and shit). as if that werent enough i perfectly explained why the weregelds explained in aethelberts code were not applicable to anglo saxon society and correctly (so my prof thinks) postulated that it was a starting point from which negotiations occured (using a law and economics perpective)
goddamn no one here on SG could give a damn about this but it made my fucking day.
gimme a shout out folks
1) my neighbor is an OCD bitch from taiwan who comes over hear even when my stereo is playing so low i can barely hear it and i have to turn it down even more because im applyin to be an RA and have to be "nice"
2) last night i dreamt that somebody loved me (to quote morrisey) and i woke up and felt like shit all day
3) i desperately need to shower as i worked out all day yesterday and fell asleep gross but couldnt shower cos ive been at class since 9 am (now its 1145pm)
4) to quote skankersaur (RIP) "I got no chickz"
1) hapkido. not only did my round house actually knock my instructor off balance so that she almost fell (even with a kick pad) i did an amazing throw with perfect form. kicking ass rules
2) i get my new heart rate monitor/ gps watch in the mail friday. now i can precisely check my heart rate while masturbating. also while training. cool.
3) i get my new bass amp friday too. fucking outstanding
4)i kicked ass in my medieval law class today. i mean i dominated. not only did i accurately date our manuscript by its paleographical characteristics. i also correctly identfied by a variety of signs how we can rather precisely date it by other factors inherent in the physical manuscript itself (quire structuire, binding leaf and shit). as if that werent enough i perfectly explained why the weregelds explained in aethelberts code were not applicable to anglo saxon society and correctly (so my prof thinks) postulated that it was a starting point from which negotiations occured (using a law and economics perpective)
goddamn no one here on SG could give a damn about this but it made my fucking day.
gimme a shout out folks

good job on the medieval law class, although i don't know exactly how useful that will be in life.... but hey whatever makes ya happy ; )
i wish i dreamed that someone loved me. no i just wish someone loved me. sigh. loneliness is killing me.