sg boston was rad. afterparty was fun as hell (shout out to blondie and the rest (whose real names i learned but not their handles)
so yeah. this semesters off to a great fucking start. before my first day of classes i stay out and party with sg folks till 4 am, stumble home... frantically do greek grab 2 hours of sleep and then go to classes from 9 am to 630 pm. then 2 hours of hapkido 1 hour of running and no time for homework. fuck. and i have a job interview tommorow.
AND i just got a cat (for now ill call him "mr whiskers") who is a stray that wandered into my dorm and im taking care of him until we find his owner (i guess i AM the token vegan on the floor...) but his catbox is stinkin up my room.
bitch bitch bitch. life is good though. well, almost good... past few days ive had an uncontrollable urge to find a cute girl, makeout with her for hours with biting and a lot of scratching. i guess ill just settle for writing a journal entry about it though.
so yeah. this semesters off to a great fucking start. before my first day of classes i stay out and party with sg folks till 4 am, stumble home... frantically do greek grab 2 hours of sleep and then go to classes from 9 am to 630 pm. then 2 hours of hapkido 1 hour of running and no time for homework. fuck. and i have a job interview tommorow.
AND i just got a cat (for now ill call him "mr whiskers") who is a stray that wandered into my dorm and im taking care of him until we find his owner (i guess i AM the token vegan on the floor...) but his catbox is stinkin up my room.
bitch bitch bitch. life is good though. well, almost good... past few days ive had an uncontrollable urge to find a cute girl, makeout with her for hours with biting and a lot of scratching. i guess ill just settle for writing a journal entry about it though.

The vague inadequacy is mainly from reading authors like Stuart Clark that just have command of so much information. Hell, give me twenty to thirty years of research and teaching experience and I'm sure I'll be right there too.