Man, im sure glad I wasnt into sports in high school-theyre fucking expensive. i never wouldve had any money for all my pun krock cds and shows. But I just found my road bike-Tommaso capri 2003 road bike for under 500 (I almost got a bianchi for 550 but decided against it-though having a steel frame would be cool). Gee, now all I have to do is buy a polar heart rate/bike cadence monitor for like 200 and new runnin shoes for about 100. fucking shit. i can barely make rent this month-whats a boy to do? I guess the bosstones said it best, "avoid the landlord spend the rent raisin hell with reckless style". baqck to my metal roots again this week with some shai hulud and unearth.

It's all about the steel frames!