sitting here thinking about nothing. just sitting here looking at this screen. looking at the screen in anticipation. for what? i dont know. im 28. im a student. im hopeful and hopeless all at the same time. my life has been an all but forgetten memory of what it is to be me. i feel nothing and everything in a matter of seconds. i have so many questions. so many years of hopeless ventures and dead end life roads. so many tears and so many surface laughs. im hidding so much inside that its eating away at me. i need help but i dont believe in theraphy. i dont believe in that bullshit babble. this, right now, is what im doing to help myself. is it more ideas spring up as im writing this. more questions that have no answers. im a realist and i know nobody cares. i guess there is minor amounts of comfort in posting this. maybe someone will come along and tell me to shut the fuck up, to stop my bitching and just live. simplicity at its best. yet, its still not the answer. wandering along as usual...back to the march.
i'm an idealist...but i do care. if you don't want to get eaten alive...share.