Ok so listen to this, this is good stuff.
Ok so last night I had to go and upgrade a server. Well 2 servers at 2 different clients. So I go to the first one and I'm working away and them boom, one of the brand new hard drives I bought crashed and burned. So I am pissed, I have been trying to get this upgrade done for ever now. First I had to special order the drives, then they send me the wrong ones and now one of the ones they sent crashes already. Ok no problem, I will just come back today and finish it up.
So I backup my stuff and head to site #2. Same basic job here as well, upgrade 2 hard drives and install a new scanner. So I get there and I am bring my stuff into the office. I take my coat off and head back out into the hall way to get the rest of the stuff to bring in, but guess what, the door to the office closes behind me and I lock myself out. My phone, keys and coat are all inside the office. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but the reason I am upgrading everything last night is because the whole office is in New York for a conference. Great time to upgrade, bad time to get locked out. Only 2 people didn't go to NY, one can't drive at night and the other lives 30-45 minutes away and just had a baby.
So with just my hoody on, I walk 6 blocks down to the gas station at 8:00pm, freezing fucking cold. I call the one person who is able to let me back in. I hang up the hpone with a 30 minute wait on my hands. Atfirst I was just locked out of the office but I was still in the warm building, but I had to lock myself out of the building as well in order to go call someone, no I have to wait outside for 30 minutes before someone get there.
Lucky for me, there is a new bar that opened right on their corner. So I sat there untill they showed up. Once I was back in the office, the rest of the night was smooth sailing. Not a single problem doing the server upgrades. It could not have been a more perfect upgrade.
Whats funny about all this is that I have noticed that if I had not locked myself out of the office then I am 100% sure that I would have had some problem with the upgrade. I am not a man that believes in fate, but for me I think there is a new thing call time fate. The difference between fate and time fate is with fate I was meant to get locked out, with time fate, it doesnt matter what happens, I was meant to spend 8 hours trying to finish a job. Nothing I could have done would have changed the fact that time fate would have in some shape of form still caused me to take 8 hours.
I think that explains why I am also late. I am working against the forces of Time Fate and hence there is nothing I can do about it.
So anyhow, that was my day last night, just felt the need to tell you guys about it.
Off, now to finish the other job, which will be a breeze, because I already had my troubles with it yesterday.
Ok so last night I had to go and upgrade a server. Well 2 servers at 2 different clients. So I go to the first one and I'm working away and them boom, one of the brand new hard drives I bought crashed and burned. So I am pissed, I have been trying to get this upgrade done for ever now. First I had to special order the drives, then they send me the wrong ones and now one of the ones they sent crashes already. Ok no problem, I will just come back today and finish it up.
So I backup my stuff and head to site #2. Same basic job here as well, upgrade 2 hard drives and install a new scanner. So I get there and I am bring my stuff into the office. I take my coat off and head back out into the hall way to get the rest of the stuff to bring in, but guess what, the door to the office closes behind me and I lock myself out. My phone, keys and coat are all inside the office. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but the reason I am upgrading everything last night is because the whole office is in New York for a conference. Great time to upgrade, bad time to get locked out. Only 2 people didn't go to NY, one can't drive at night and the other lives 30-45 minutes away and just had a baby.
So with just my hoody on, I walk 6 blocks down to the gas station at 8:00pm, freezing fucking cold. I call the one person who is able to let me back in. I hang up the hpone with a 30 minute wait on my hands. Atfirst I was just locked out of the office but I was still in the warm building, but I had to lock myself out of the building as well in order to go call someone, no I have to wait outside for 30 minutes before someone get there.
Lucky for me, there is a new bar that opened right on their corner. So I sat there untill they showed up. Once I was back in the office, the rest of the night was smooth sailing. Not a single problem doing the server upgrades. It could not have been a more perfect upgrade.
Whats funny about all this is that I have noticed that if I had not locked myself out of the office then I am 100% sure that I would have had some problem with the upgrade. I am not a man that believes in fate, but for me I think there is a new thing call time fate. The difference between fate and time fate is with fate I was meant to get locked out, with time fate, it doesnt matter what happens, I was meant to spend 8 hours trying to finish a job. Nothing I could have done would have changed the fact that time fate would have in some shape of form still caused me to take 8 hours.
I think that explains why I am also late. I am working against the forces of Time Fate and hence there is nothing I can do about it.
So anyhow, that was my day last night, just felt the need to tell you guys about it.
Off, now to finish the other job, which will be a breeze, because I already had my troubles with it yesterday.
Nice work on the upgrades; those things can go wrong quickly... I remember the time our Marine unit switched from NT to 2000...