Apparently I am a robot. I have no emotion, and I am sterile. Like Ketchup I guess.. worse even, catsup, generic.

Shit man, I thought I was doing great!
I fell.

I fell fucking hard.

Not even like a trip, it was deffinately a fall. At one point I was standing upright, and then the next thing I knew, I was face down, in teeth, blood and tears.

Fuck I hate this shit.
Fuck it.

I am packing up. I can't stand this shit anymore.

Look for me on the otherside kids. It's been swell.

why do you always leave me?
I haven't really had much to say lately. I have been in a sort of alcohol haze lately. That and vicodin, and whatever else I can get my hands on.

I am not sure if it is just me, or if my position in life, in reference to other people, is changing. I feel like I don't care about anything anymore. It's like everything is...
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Why don't I ever have anything interesting to say?

heres something interesting... in my epic persuit of watching meaningless tv... i was watchin suddently susan today, and there was this dude who wanted to be an actor, doing a peter cook esque (ie: the impressive clergyman in "the princess bride") rendition of Citizen Kane..... it was pretty funny.....

did you know that "Rosebud" was actually William Randolph Hurst's pet name for his wife's cooch? funny aint it...
your beautiful ass makes up for it
I could give a fuck.

I want to make shirts that says that. I think it's a great slogan. A great Mantra even. Right now I smell like oak..

i'll give you a fuck, fucker.
happy birthday, buddy.
Ahh christmas is over.

Next is the birthday, then the new year, and then I will be safe for a while.

I got a smoker for Xmas, so prepare yourselves for tons of MEAT! Ahhhhh yeah!
I don't know how well the smoker would go down on this site smile

also, sucks for the birthday so close to christmas.

High on codeine right now.. washing it down with a beer.

Happy almost friday kids!

wanna go to a movie this weekend? i'll treat you to ice cream
Happy Christmas
So does anyone read this?

Ok here it goes. Missed the SGSF partay due to complications in schedule/life/ and the weather.

Fuck I wish the hollidays would get over with so I can get on with my life. I just got a bill in the mail today that I wasn't expecting yet. I am going to be SO BROKE in about a week or so....
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What is it about the night that makes me so nervous. Why is it all okay during the day? What maes me think that things are different when it's sunny outside?

Stayed home from work today.. headaches are getting to me again. That and the depression. I should be dancing in the streets, but instead I am drinking myself stupid.

I hope that this all...
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im still horny.
Cut me open, I bleed oil.
I cry vinegar.
I breathe smoke.

All I can think of is death. I want to kill everything.
I want to burn every bridge,
and dance in the ashes.
I want to beat every dead horse over and over again.

I want to be numb, senseless, empty.
Dear Dear World:

I can't seem to figure you out these days. One day it is one thing, and then another the next. It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep my poker face on.

Timesplitters2: Ooo you can deffinately play co-op smile It's similar to PD... also there's an 'arcade league' mode where you accept arcade-like challenges + that's how you unlock characters + levels. It's SO indepth there's tonnes to it smile

Cherry xx
guess who? smile