Having a complete and utter mental breakdown right now.
My dad gets home today, with my "insta-family".
I have things to do..and none of them fun except for my coffee date with filmMe which will be rad except that I'll be shaking the entire time, because underneath this layer, I'm a complete mess who's falling apart inside now over complete strangers and a burned patio.
My dad gets home today, with my "insta-family".
I have things to do..and none of them fun except for my coffee date with filmMe which will be rad except that I'll be shaking the entire time, because underneath this layer, I'm a complete mess who's falling apart inside now over complete strangers and a burned patio.
I got your message, i cried. I was out with E-Dawg.
but I will see you on Monday night hopefully?
Werd up. Talk to you soon