I had to cancel my account today. says it's scheduled to end aug 24th, so I assume that means at midnight.
I haven't been around at all here lately. New job is taking up so much of my time. I can't afford it right now, I have 2 bucks to my name I need to pull myself out of debt and then I'll be... Read More
so what's up with you ppl? I find myself coming home from work and wanting to be nowhere near a computer. now friday has rolled around and in two hours i have my very first gym appt! spectacular, now so goddess of fitness will sit there and tell me that i'm a fatass who needs to quit smoking.
So the wedding wasn't all that bad. I actually didn't go to the wedding part, I feigned illness and then slept in mwah. I went to the reception and that was fun, and I wore my sari and I felt gooooorgeous!
Back to work this week.god I am so tired. I have to go get my car fixed tommorow morning,... Read More
This weekend is my cousin's wedding. They need a smilie that has a happy face putting a loaded revolver in it's mouth. those will have to do for now..
Work is going well. People seem to like me, so that rocks my socks. I just sit and type all day long. It's alright. My office hates smokers, so that's not good.... Read More
I just got a callback on an audition I did for a recurring role in a miniseries to be shot in Vic this fall! Wish me luck (or break a leg or something..heh heh..)
I've never been to a wedding? bet its kinda boring though, im gona have a haloween theme wedding!
I went on holiday to Jersey, (a little island between england and france) the L.A. trip never happend because im fucking skint as usual!
When are ya coming over to rainy old england then?
Alright, my day improved vastly.
I spent the morning getting poked and prodded by indian woman, and having copious amounts of water, because GOD DAMNIT IT IS HOT IN THIS PLACE! I swear to god, it was one of those annoyingly hot days, where everything sticks to you.
After having my car taken away from me, I went to my dad's house, took the keys... Read More
1. Played pool with some friends, and yes.
2. U of F sports and beaches that are close enough to go spend the day.
3. It's hotter than hell, I live in Florida.
Having a complete and utter mental breakdown right now.
My dad gets home today, with my "insta-family".
I have things to do..and none of them fun except for my coffee date with filmMe which will be rad except that I'll be shaking the entire time, because underneath this layer, I'm a complete mess who's falling apart inside now over complete strangers and a burned patio.... Read More