My set Elegance with the amazing @atlanticlungs is up in just over 24 hours! *squeeeee* I'm so nervous! I hope everyone likes it!
My set Elegance with the amazing @atlanticlungs is up in just over 24 hours! *squeeeee* I'm so nervous! I hope everyone likes it!
Sorry for being so absent still! I have been so busy with work and study, I have exams on Monday and Thursday and I'm so worried about failing ):
I am just so stressed ):
In other news, there's only just over 2 weeks till my second set 'Elegance' hits MR! Shot by the amazing @atlanticlungs wooooooh! Get excited!
A massive shout out to @arachnie
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I'm contemplating making a video.
Of me.
Rapping Rap God.
Cause I actually can do it guys. Just sayin'
But dunno lol.
I just felt like I should make a blog post explaining my lack of activity on here and on instagram.
I'm in my last year of my science degree, I'm studying full time, I've had a whole bunch of stupid family shit go down, it might seem like not much to handle, but for someone who's been battling major depressive disorder, separation anxiety, and obsessive...
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Shot this badboy a while back with @arachnie with the ever-so-talented @frankndame behind the camera!
Would love for everyone to be able to see it, but in order for it to be submitted I also have to go pink too ;P
Here's hoping cause it would be fucking awesome for this set to be submitted and I know everyone would love to see it!
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Little butt shot from my debut set Smitten which is going awesome thanks to all you amazing beings! ♥_♥ I honestly still can't get over how well it's doing and its only been a week!
Just thought I'd write a little update to go along with my sundies post;
Life has been crazy lately! Full-time work and full-time study is intense! I'm currently doing my
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@arachnie is officially a suicide girl! I am so fucking happy for her!
I am seriously so amazed by this girl. She is an inspiration to me and I am so lucky to have her in my life. @arachnie you fucking babezilla.
Her first set is fucking on point.
Also we have a multi coming out together by the amazing @frankndame so keep yo eyes peeled guys!
But seriously look at her set.
Sorry for being so inactive lately everyone! I'm currently studying three core subjects and I just started a full-time job! I'm in training at the moment and the hours are crazy - 3pm till 11pm. Weh. But the moneys will be gooooood!
I'll try and post more!
Much love to errybody and here's me studying with my cat in the background.
So here's a big sappy post.
Ever since I was about 13 years old and started getting into the alternative side of life - I wanted to be a suicide girl. I thought they were so cool. Like, immediately became fascinated by them. I even fake applied cause I wasn't 18 to see if I had the look they wanted. (Sorry :s)
So considering I...
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