One of my new year's resolution thingies is to be more active on here so I'll try and stick to that but to be completely honest with you all, there is a reason why I am so reluctant with SG these days, and I really do want to explain it to you all but I feel like I'm not allowed to? If I tell the truth about what's happened and what's happening I'll instantly be demonized by part of the SG community so in my mind it just seems better to keep it to myself.
But the reality is that it's affecting my interaction with you guys, the website in general, my friendships with other models and photographers. And on top of that multiple hopefuls and even SGs feel the same way I do but are too scared to say anything. I feel like some of you would appreciate an explanation but as I said before, it's been made clear by people who are "higher up" in the Australian community that I am not allowed to speak about these things.
So I'm really torn at the moment, I really am. Do I expose the truth about what actually goes on and how hurt I was and risk being outlawed by my community or do I just say nothing and let it happen? What would you do?
What do I do?