So, I've been feeling this way for a while. And a lot of things are confirming it for me lately.
I'm just not good enough for SG. I highly doubt I'll ever get bought, I try and make friends within the community but it just goes unnoticed. I've tried to make friends with a few of the SG's in my community but I'm not good enough for them either.
So maybe I should quit. I'm clearly not what SG or any of the people on here are looking for, and I can't make friends, so what am I doing? Wasting peoples time. Taking up a spot in MR that could be going to someone a lot prettier and more worthy. Just floating around and wondering why.
Not sure what to do. Like I'm pretty certain it would go 99% unnoticed if I left right now.
But yeah I thought I'd make a post in case I do disappear, and that way everyone will know why.