Sorry for being so absent still! I have been so busy with work and study, I have exams on Monday and Thursday and I'm so worried about failing ):
I am just so stressed ):
In other news, there's only just over 2 weeks till my second set 'Elegance' hits MR! Shot by the amazing @atlanticlungs wooooooh! Get excited!
A massive shout out to @arachnie for keeping me sane these past couple of weeks, honestly I don't know how I'd be coping with my confusing life without her, she's actually one of the most important people in my life and even if I never go pink I'll always love sg purely for bringing us together, not to mention all the other amazing ladies I have had the privledge to meet or speak to online, you all make this experience the most amazing thing ever ♡
But also, if I do go pink, we'll be able to submit the multi of @arachnie and myself shot by the fabulous duo @frankndame ♡♡♡ seriously guys, it would be so worth it, here's a sneaky peak of the amazing set:
So fingers crossed!
Love you all!