I just felt like I should make a blog post explaining my lack of activity on here and on instagram.
I'm in my last year of my science degree, I'm studying full time, I've had a whole bunch of stupid family shit go down, it might seem like not much to handle, but for someone who's been battling major depressive disorder, separation anxiety, and obsessive compulsive personality disorder for around 8 years, it's pretty fucking difficult.
Like. I was going so well for so long, but I don't know, I just can't push through this time. I hate the way my brain processes things. It really sucks. It sucks that my depression puts me into a phase of "I just don't care about anything" and then I get behind on uni work, cleaning, etc and then my ocd goes crazy which literally makes me feel ill, and like I cant get anything done unless the whole house/my plans/everything is perfect WHICH THEN in turn makes my anxiety go crazy and then my brain just doesn't want to deal with any of that so it just goes straight back to "I don't care about anything" and that can get pretty messy.
So I am getting some help, and hopefully it doesn't get worse. I just wanted to say thank you to each and every person who has followed me, liked my set, everyone who is just here on the site. Thank you for sticking by me even though I've been boring and inactive ♡ I promise I'll make it up to you!
A huge thank you to @arachnie for helping me with my feelings recently, I would be so much worse without you ♡♡♡
Hopefully sooner rather than later I will be back to my usual self! Until then, love to you all! ♡