Little butt shot from my debut set Smitten which is going awesome thanks to all you amazing beings! ♥_♥ I honestly still can't get over how well it's doing and its only been a week!
Just thought I'd write a little update to go along with my sundies post;
Life has been crazy lately! Full-time work and full-time study is intense! I'm currently doing my last assignment for this semester and then I have exams and I'm freeee! Also the Sydney shootfest is happening and I am SO excited for it and will be doing two shoots, hopefully I will be going with Australia's newest suicide girl @arachnie (still so fucking stoked for her) which will be so fun because we will get up to alllll kinds of trouble!
Also, it'd be totally sick if I went pink cause then we would be able to submit our gorgeous amazing multi which I know all you beautiful people would love to see!
I miss everyone from the September AU ball so much! I wish I could go back! Anyway, time to smash out the assignment I'm doing!
Happy sundies from Australia!
Love you allllllll!