Very busy, last few weeks: Insane physics, moving into appartment, bazzarr like parties in the streets of Marseille.
Next few weeks: Munich, Bologna, Berlin, London,
Should be fun!
Update Munich:
Big family celebrations went surprisingly well, reconnected with my grandmother a bit, which was interessting. She's 80 but still very very fit mentally. The trick is to never stop thinking about stuff. She's recently been exploring intertextual approaches to the creation myth, connecting the Gilgamesh Epos, The Greek myth of Persephones and the creation story in the bible. Interessting stuff...
Update Bologna:
What a wicked good city, just to my taste! Even if all we got weather wise was rain, we had an awesome time. I met my best friend again, we talked on the nature of language for a while.
The atmosphere is quite unique, oldest university of the world, graphiti in ancient greek and all. Arcades over almost every sidewalk, supermarkets that could pass as toursit sights, architectoncally fascinating churches...
it doesn't take long to fall in love with that city.
Update Berlin:
Wicked city. Loved it, the overall atmosphere was great and the conference mindblowing, loads of interessting people from all over the place, fantastic.
The holocaust memorial was very impressive, I'll write more detailed impressions soon.
Got to meet the fabulous and very very clever Temper
Update London:
Lost my wallet
, otherwise, same as always: Many pints, many great people and I just generally love the British anyways.
Yay, back in Marseille now.
Next few weeks: Munich, Bologna, Berlin, London,
Should be fun!
Update Munich:
Big family celebrations went surprisingly well, reconnected with my grandmother a bit, which was interessting. She's 80 but still very very fit mentally. The trick is to never stop thinking about stuff. She's recently been exploring intertextual approaches to the creation myth, connecting the Gilgamesh Epos, The Greek myth of Persephones and the creation story in the bible. Interessting stuff...
Update Bologna:
What a wicked good city, just to my taste! Even if all we got weather wise was rain, we had an awesome time. I met my best friend again, we talked on the nature of language for a while.
The atmosphere is quite unique, oldest university of the world, graphiti in ancient greek and all. Arcades over almost every sidewalk, supermarkets that could pass as toursit sights, architectoncally fascinating churches...
it doesn't take long to fall in love with that city.
Update Berlin:
Wicked city. Loved it, the overall atmosphere was great and the conference mindblowing, loads of interessting people from all over the place, fantastic.
The holocaust memorial was very impressive, I'll write more detailed impressions soon.
Got to meet the fabulous and very very clever Temper
Update London:
Lost my wallet

Yay, back in Marseille now.
Das ist so die current state. Musste knappe 200 $ an arztkosten blechen weil ich hier nich versichert bin und wenn ich denke wie gut ich mit dem geld haette feiern koennen koennt ich spontan kotzen.
Aber ansonsten ist alles klar, bin viel am leute kennenlernen, input sammeln, bin im allgemeinen einfach fazsiniert von der fremden umgebung und es macht alles spass.