If you stumble on my blog you're almost certainly aware of this but for completeness:

Save Temper!
On my side I have been busy as hell, I have organized conferences and barbecues, travelled to Toronto and Boston, directed a play (over 150 entrances and exists, ridiculously complex, I made a 12 A4 sheets large spreadsheet to keep track of just the basics). For the play we build a swimming pool on stage. To heat up the water we built a heat pump from scrap parts. Yay for physics! Thus I am now scrambling to catch up with work while preparing the next conference (I need to mow the lawn if I am to host the after-conference party, it's getting to be about as tall as me now in places. Probably doesn't qualify as grass anymore either. Not sentient yet though).
Not a Football fan but here in England (who are not participating), the Euro is actually quite nice. I get together with my international friends in half filled pubs watching the game, chatting and drinking. Good time! (granted we always do that, but during Euro we are doing it every night
Oh yeah I now have a naive, macho, catholic, bigoted, conservative, spanish flatmate now. He's a nice guy. Actually it's hilarious, I'm good friends with many people in his department and we're all collectively shaking our heads cringing or laughing at him. It really does test your tolerance.
I also explained to two Mormons on the street today why God can not exist. I don't think I got through to them....
And now for some pictures:

Save Temper!
On my side I have been busy as hell, I have organized conferences and barbecues, travelled to Toronto and Boston, directed a play (over 150 entrances and exists, ridiculously complex, I made a 12 A4 sheets large spreadsheet to keep track of just the basics). For the play we build a swimming pool on stage. To heat up the water we built a heat pump from scrap parts. Yay for physics! Thus I am now scrambling to catch up with work while preparing the next conference (I need to mow the lawn if I am to host the after-conference party, it's getting to be about as tall as me now in places. Probably doesn't qualify as grass anymore either. Not sentient yet though).
Not a Football fan but here in England (who are not participating), the Euro is actually quite nice. I get together with my international friends in half filled pubs watching the game, chatting and drinking. Good time! (granted we always do that, but during Euro we are doing it every night

Oh yeah I now have a naive, macho, catholic, bigoted, conservative, spanish flatmate now. He's a nice guy. Actually it's hilarious, I'm good friends with many people in his department and we're all collectively shaking our heads cringing or laughing at him. It really does test your tolerance.
I also explained to two Mormons on the street today why God can not exist. I don't think I got through to them....
And now for some pictures:
Love of my life, all dead, dear friends,... (ich glaub die Liste ist lang)