My heating is working again
Makes me appreciate technology so much more.
Anyway, yesterday was very close to a perfect evening, my flatmate organized a steak/whiskey night. So we drank loads of different expensive whiskeys which were awesome, ate good steaks which were tasty and watched Grindhouse. Simplicity itself but sooooo good. Also Death Proof is much better when stoned.
And I finally booked my tickets for Berlin! So I can marvel at the coolness of the SGs and feel awed by their exuberant presence and gawk at and possibly even partake in the frolicking of the SGGermany crowds. Though to our infinite sadness Limbo come suicidefish wont make it. As a fan I think that's outrageous, I fly in from the UK to see the Legend live only to be disappointed! Emptiness engulfs me at the tragic news. But then, absence fuels the mystery and emptiness can be filled with Alcohol so on the whole, I am sure, it shall be magnificent and I'm very much looking forward to meeting so many of you!
Because I just saw a Beatsteaks video on Mimmis blog I'll post one, too, enjoy

Anyway, yesterday was very close to a perfect evening, my flatmate organized a steak/whiskey night. So we drank loads of different expensive whiskeys which were awesome, ate good steaks which were tasty and watched Grindhouse. Simplicity itself but sooooo good. Also Death Proof is much better when stoned.
And I finally booked my tickets for Berlin! So I can marvel at the coolness of the SGs and feel awed by their exuberant presence and gawk at and possibly even partake in the frolicking of the SGGermany crowds. Though to our infinite sadness Limbo come suicidefish wont make it. As a fan I think that's outrageous, I fly in from the UK to see the Legend live only to be disappointed! Emptiness engulfs me at the tragic news. But then, absence fuels the mystery and emptiness can be filled with Alcohol so on the whole, I am sure, it shall be magnificent and I'm very much looking forward to meeting so many of you!
Because I just saw a Beatsteaks video on Mimmis blog I'll post one, too, enjoy

kennst du ne gute absteige in london die auch billig ist?
hab mir letztens erst wieder death proof angeschaut. auch wenn die meisten ihn zu seinen schlechtesten filmen zhlen, ich liebe ihn.
eine bekannte meinte letztens, quentin sollte sich doch mal weiterentwickeln und nicht immer nur "das gleiche" machen. vielleicht mal zur abwechslung einen liebesfilm