Things are coming to an end, my flatmate is stressing big time. Because HE moves out tomorrow, WE have to finish EVERYTHING by tonight. Nevermind that we, the rest, are only moving on Friday and still have to live here for 5 days. (He also wants to leave the flat in a far better state then when we found it).
Soon, though, soon I'll be moving again, and it will be glorious.
Edit: And of course my flatmates friends are sitting around in the garden preventing any serious efforts to actually get things into shape.
Soon, though, soon I'll be moving again, and it will be glorious.
Edit: And of course my flatmates friends are sitting around in the garden preventing any serious efforts to actually get things into shape.
Ich finds ja komisch, da man solche kulturellen Unterschiede in einem Nachbarland feststellen kann.
Wo bistn jetzt im deutschen Lande ?
Fighting on...