This is the most magnificent photograph ever taken by mankind:
You can get higher resolutions here. (as well as other amazing pictures.)
This is the Hubble Ultra Deep Field picture. Exposure time was one million seconds or 12 days. It is a photograph of a tiny bit of sky. Each speck of light in this picture is a galaxy containing 100 billion ( stars of all varieties. There are estimated to be around 50 billion galaxies in the observable universe.
In our theories of the universe we treat galaxies as grains of dust curving and structuring space and time. tiny variations arising out of quantum mechanical fluctuations at the beginning of time, fractions of a second after the inception of the universe.
In some sense these equations and numbers that describe reality have lost their meaning. They are no longer "experienceable". Yet that human mind, most marvellous of structures known to us can grasp them, work with them unfurl them, and connect these numbers and theories to the things we see when we look at these pictures.
As children we stand and marvel at what has graced us from beyond the veil. The taste of the fruit rendered unbearable by the knowledge of the vast gardens, still, and likely forever, hidden from us.
Mere children, we are ourself stars tracing unseen orbits in unseen spheres of our experiences, of who we are. Human. And as we have grasped an air, a single taste, a lone image of the all, we are, we have become more vast then it, and as the stars and even galaxies are but dust in it's vast expanses, so, even as we swirl around each other in violent and brilliant patterns, we too, ultimately, stand alone.

You can get higher resolutions here. (as well as other amazing pictures.)
This is the Hubble Ultra Deep Field picture. Exposure time was one million seconds or 12 days. It is a photograph of a tiny bit of sky. Each speck of light in this picture is a galaxy containing 100 billion ( stars of all varieties. There are estimated to be around 50 billion galaxies in the observable universe.
In our theories of the universe we treat galaxies as grains of dust curving and structuring space and time. tiny variations arising out of quantum mechanical fluctuations at the beginning of time, fractions of a second after the inception of the universe.
In some sense these equations and numbers that describe reality have lost their meaning. They are no longer "experienceable". Yet that human mind, most marvellous of structures known to us can grasp them, work with them unfurl them, and connect these numbers and theories to the things we see when we look at these pictures.
As children we stand and marvel at what has graced us from beyond the veil. The taste of the fruit rendered unbearable by the knowledge of the vast gardens, still, and likely forever, hidden from us.
Mere children, we are ourself stars tracing unseen orbits in unseen spheres of our experiences, of who we are. Human. And as we have grasped an air, a single taste, a lone image of the all, we are, we have become more vast then it, and as the stars and even galaxies are but dust in it's vast expanses, so, even as we swirl around each other in violent and brilliant patterns, we too, ultimately, stand alone.
Wieso sollte ich scherzen? Ich fand den Film einfach sowas von stinklangweilig, dass ich mich nicht mal an die Story erinnern kann 

It's so beautiful. Aesthetically sure, but mostly what that picture says about us. It gives me hope.