Kids and Cats...

I'm back on the Island.
Safely arrived in Nottingham.

Excuse my rather longish hiatus, sometimes real life is rather preoccupying, not just so much in terms of time but in terms of mental space as well.

I'm back and I promise I'll play catch up over the next few weeks. First goal: Join the SGUK group!

Lied vom Kindsein
- Peter Handke

Als das Kind Kind war,
ging es mit hngenden Armen,
wollte der Bach sei ein Flu,
der Flu sei ein Strom,
und diese Pftze das Meer.

Als das Kind Kind war,
wute es nicht, da es Kind war,
alles war ihm beseelt,
und alle Seelen waren eins.

Als das Kind Kind war,
hatte es von nichts eine Meinung,
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I was trying to read the text and understand at least a bit...but seems like 7months of living with germans didnt help muchsmile
Nur nochmal so ganz schnell ganz persnlich - deine birthday wishes waren die krasseste Scheisse die jemals von Welt. Du weisst schon. Ick hab echt gegrunzt vor lachen. biggrin
I need some new people to get drunk with.

The current group tends to get drunk into the morning just to start an indepth academic discussion on the concept of power as described by Luhmann.

I used to have a girlfriend
known as Elsie
With whom I shared
Four sordid rooms in Chelsea

She wasn't what you'd call
A blushing flower...
As a matter of fact
She rented by the hour.

The day she died the neighbors
came to snicker:
"Well, thats what comes
from to much pills and liquor."

But when I saw her laid out like a...
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*quiekend-sireniges Freudengeheul*

Gott, ich liebe Cabaret so sehr! Quote von dem Lied plus Bild war mein journal entry zum letzten set, und das Lied wollte ich immer covern. Es passiert noch - freu dich irgendwann auf ne punkrock-version. biggrin

Ah, du hast meinen Morgen gutgemacht!
Bin heute so frh aufgestanden wie seit nem Jahr nicht mehr, und krebs hier rum, aber jetzt is allet jut! biggrin

*luft singend zum Termin mir den Maklern*
Die dritte Strophe muss ich mir vor Allem sowat von ttowieren... wink
Back from travelling.

Sziget in Budapest was great.

Radiohead was awesome.

The party in the Bavarian Woods likewise.

My current claim to fame: Getting drunk enough to mistake my friends bag for a toilet.
<boring personal life update>

And that was France.

Ladies and Gentlemen, apologies for not updating regularly with interessting and mindblowing insights. I was rather occupied the last half year or so. By many things in more then one way. Most prominently my Diplomathesis which I finally handed in yesterday (therefore I ask your forgiveness for the lack of narrative today, my mind is well cloged)....
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wow, the year has gone fast, it feels like it was just while ago when you moved to France.

The pictures are beuatiful, stunning place!

It really sounds scarily stable, two years in one place. I got now one month left in SA and I really would not like to leave the country but I guess I have to finish my studies, go to brothers wedding and earn money.blah. But it is kinda exciting that I have no idea where I am going in January, definately not staying in Finland. Maybe returning here, I hope!

Congrats for finishing your thesis, that must feel good. I have just started that work load.
Eins ist klar: Frankreich, besonders der Sden, kann super-schn sein.
Ich glaub, daran gibt es keinen Zweifel... wink

Alles andere wie besprochen, wa?

Ich hab nPraktikum hier in Paris bei Chantal Thomass gemacht ( Lingerie-haut gamme). Deshalb bin ich hier gelandet. Allerdings mu ich zugeben, da ich vorher ein echter Frankreich- Liebhaber war. Was mal wieder beweist, da Urlaub und Leben wirklich 2 verschiedene Sachen sind.

Was machst Du denn jetzt in demnchst in England?

Things are coming to an end, my flatmate is stressing big time. Because HE moves out tomorrow, WE have to finish EVERYTHING by tonight. Nevermind that we, the rest, are only moving on Friday and still have to live here for 5 days. (He also wants to leave the flat in a far better state then when we found it).

Soon, though, soon I'll be...
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Bin icke froh, da jemand die selben Sachen wahrnimmt wie ich. Ich dachte schon, ich spinne und sehe nur das ble.
Ich finds ja komisch, da man solche kulturellen Unterschiede in einem Nachbarland feststellen kann. shocked Aber wenigstens bereichert man so seinen Geist.

Wo bistn jetzt im deutschen Lande ?

Fighting on...
ARRR!!! miao!!
IHT: Europes drinking problem

One has to marvel at the underlying logic of articles like this. What is being advocated is a state that should intervene to stop it's citizens from "unhealthy"* activities like drinking and smoking (and drugs in general of course), while leaving them free and encouraging them to be "productive". Where productiveness is of course meassured, not in creativity or the amount...
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thank you kiss that made me smilesmile
I like your logic, alcohol increases the personal wealth of sex whereas, lack of alcohol increases social wealth of production. Give me a beer, please!

I think the key is moderation. There is no need to regulate alcohol in your production force because in a competitive work force, people will regulate themselves. For example, if you let your alcohol affect your job performance, you will lose your job to a person who drinks less. Although, if I get drunk as hell every weekend, but do not let it effect my job performance, but it does increase personal wealth, then it has performed it's task positively instead of negatively. Of course, this is all relative. If you have a work force of alcoholics, then you would need to regulate alcohol because nobody would lose their job due to alcohol affecting job performance.
Now playing: Smashing Pumpkins - Blue Skies Bring Tears

The weather is killing me. Warm, sunny, humid, blue skies. Bleh.

My body has shut down, I'm operating on willpower and coffee. Time to switch to the night.

More from Canada, some observations.
Being the good little scientist I am I took an inventory of the local supermarket's Magazine shelf:

19x cooking (7x diet)
19x gardening...
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Thanks! I'll pick it up. It's nice to have a recommendation from a valid source. biggrin As for coffee, I am an addict.

Music was my first love, I've had many more since. I went to school understanding fully that I would never make a career out of it. Photography is my source of income. I sell fantasy. wink

Did you always want to go into physics? Was there ever another choice?
canadians seems to be into cooking and gardeningsmile

warm and sunny weather doesnt sound too bad to me, I miss the summer a bit. Although it is sunny it now doesnt get really hot herefrown
Back from my first time in Canada. The land of unlimited possibilities AND free health care!

The place I visited for work is in the middle of suburbian nowhere, the kind of scenery most familiar to us from the counterculture it spawned. Seeing the original is rather like a double negative.

Toronto was cool though, we got a local guide and saw some nice bars,...
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Ah, how interesting. Are your parents educators? If you could choose, where would you like to work on your PhD?
Ha...Was wrd ich blo darum geben, jetzt im Ausland zu sein biggrin
Spring in Marseille is decent. Warm evenings in our garden, confusing Canadians, getting ready to leave.

Leaving holds it's own magic. With the view firmly fixed on the new shores, or the confusion ahead the here and now becomes light and easy and beautiful.

Even as the last month or two of your stay become tinted in autumn colours, and as you return to your...
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Yup. Quite a lot, actually.
Hmmm... Mayb e you need to get laid...

tongue More seriously: You are in a paradise regarding women.

Anyhow, if you have a chance, go to my fav restaurants in Waterloo (I will skip Kitchener restaurants, as they may be out of your way): Bhima's Warung (Indonesian Canadian, best restaurant in town IMHO... at least, about 3-4 years ago! tongue ) at 262 King N; Maharaja Palace (Punjabi) at 103 King; Seoul Soul (Korean, what includes sushi, my headquarters in KW) and, for espresso/pastry/chat, Williams Coffee Pub (er... this choice shows that I am not European, hehe), both at the University Plaza; and The Rude Native Bistro (wonderful for gourmet food, but not for Ethnic food... of course) at 4 King N. I do not know about nowadays, but Maharaja used to have daily lunch buffet (Friday's was my fav), and Seoul Soul had lunch deals. Their dinner menus were far superior (and expensive... of course), though. Rude Native used to have a Sunday brunch. Needless to say, other great restaurants may have opened, and opinions/taste vary.... of course. wink

Back and busy in Marseille.

My silence was due to visiting my family and friends in Munich and friends in Barcelona. The former is shockingly posh and clean, especially after I had gotten used to Marseille. The latter is an awesome city, we went to a party on a place in the middle of a normal urban area, higher up, overlooking the city and there...
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Barcelona ist absolut fantastisch. Im Herbst gibts da eine Art Stadtfest, die Fiesta, da hast du eine Woche lang Konzerte auf allen Pltzen von Mittags bis mitten in die Nacht und irgendwie scheint berhaupt niemand jemals schlafen zu gehen. Gute Zeiten. Ja, und Mnchen ist irre sauber. Hab ich gerade wieder festgestellt, als ich in Berlin war, wo wirklich JEDE Hauswand vollgeschmiert ist. Das ist mir nach drei Tage furchtbar auf die Nerven gegangen. Ich mag mein Mnchen sauber. Ich glaub, ich werd alt.
I just finished reading The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy, awesome book!

How long are you staying in Marseille?