YEAH!! I think I FINALLY found a SG Photographer...the only thing is that I won't be able to do my shoot until I move in like a month...but I LOVE her photography..was just looking at it...lov the style, shots, angles, look...really really like it, and I am excited to work with her. NOW I just need to convince the boyfriend to be OK with it...he really really does not approve of me posing nude. We have VERY different opinons on nudity....I feel that nudity like on SG is art- it is tasteful, and not graphic or boyfriend sees nudity as pornography. I have tried to explain to him about museums and art galleries containing lots of nudity, but that is considered why not this. It is very difficult because we both have this different view. But I love him very much, and don't want to hurt him and it is important to me that he is ok with it...and he loves me. But he knows that when I want to do something I will try to do it..I am a very determined and strong willed person....which is something he finds attractive in me, but at the same time I can be stubborn too, and I will not sway on how I feel on this. At the moment I feel very very very conflicted, because I know that I will do this, but I know that it will also not go over the best with the bf....argh.....I am so conflicted right now. is not always fair, and you can't always have your cake and eat it too. For me...doing SG is like having my cake but not getting to eat it...hmmmm....very philosophic!

Merry Christmas, happy hanukkah and all holidays to all!