The Fairy in the Teacup (A Short Story)
One night I was lying in my bed reading a wonderful book when I heard a noise- it sounded like a tiny sneeze. I figured it was my imagination until I heard another noise, like a cough, but it was very faint. When I turned to the tea cup that was on my night table I noticed a small Fairy sitting in it. When she noticed me looking at her she sat up and said, "Oh, hello- sorry for disturbing you, but I was just having a rest in your tea cup here- you don't mind do you?"
"Not at all", I said.
I was very curious about this Fairy- I mean I had never actually seen one before, and from the stories my father used to tell me, Fairies were quite pleasant, but are hardly ever seen.
"What is your name", I asked the Fairy.
"My name is Willow", replied the Fairy. Then I told her my name, as I closed my book.
I began to talk to Willow; "When I was a little girl my father used to tell me stories of Fairies that lived in forests. I lived out in the country, and there was a forest near my house. I wne tin it on countless occassions but never saw any Fairies- no matter how hard I tried to look. How come I am seeing you- not in a forest- but in my own home?!"
Willow sighed an said in a small voice, as if she didn't want anyone to hear, "That's because us Faires are magical, and we try really hard not to be seen."
"But why are you in my home" I asked again.
"Well, I really needed a rest you see", Willow spoke, " And I knew I would be safe resting here."
"But why me?" I asked, wondering why this Fairy decided to come into my home, and rest beside my bed.
"Because I remember you as a child", smiled the Fairy.
"How could you, I mean, I grew up far away from where I live now- plus how would you know where I lived, if you saw me as a child?"
The Fairy smiled Shyly, "I cannot reveal all our secrets to you, but I can tell you that I have always known you to be a kind person, and true of heart, and that is why you can see me- that is one of the reasons why I have shown myself to you, tonight."
It was hard to make sense of all fo waht Willow was telling me, but I tried to understand. Was there a reason why she came to my place, other than just to rest? Why me?
Then Willow stood up and stretched her delicate wings and turned to me, "You are probably wondering why I am here", she said softly.
"Well... yes I was kinda wondering about that", I replied.
Willow looked over at my book, took out a small wand from her dress, and suddenly the book flipped a couple of pages. I looked at my book and picked it up ans stared down at it in wonder. Then I felt a cool breeze sweep past me, and I closed my eyes for a second as it gently blew my hair and tickled my face. When I opened my eyes I wans't in my home anymore. I was still on my bed, bur my bed was surrounded by bushes, flowers, grass and trees- I was now sitting on my bed in some forest!
Willow flew over to me and hovered in front of my face. "And now Ceridwen, your new adventure is about to begin".
And she was right, but to tell of my adventure, well, that is another story.
by Ceridwen 2006
One night I was lying in my bed reading a wonderful book when I heard a noise- it sounded like a tiny sneeze. I figured it was my imagination until I heard another noise, like a cough, but it was very faint. When I turned to the tea cup that was on my night table I noticed a small Fairy sitting in it. When she noticed me looking at her she sat up and said, "Oh, hello- sorry for disturbing you, but I was just having a rest in your tea cup here- you don't mind do you?"
"Not at all", I said.
I was very curious about this Fairy- I mean I had never actually seen one before, and from the stories my father used to tell me, Fairies were quite pleasant, but are hardly ever seen.
"What is your name", I asked the Fairy.
"My name is Willow", replied the Fairy. Then I told her my name, as I closed my book.
I began to talk to Willow; "When I was a little girl my father used to tell me stories of Fairies that lived in forests. I lived out in the country, and there was a forest near my house. I wne tin it on countless occassions but never saw any Fairies- no matter how hard I tried to look. How come I am seeing you- not in a forest- but in my own home?!"
Willow sighed an said in a small voice, as if she didn't want anyone to hear, "That's because us Faires are magical, and we try really hard not to be seen."
"But why are you in my home" I asked again.
"Well, I really needed a rest you see", Willow spoke, " And I knew I would be safe resting here."
"But why me?" I asked, wondering why this Fairy decided to come into my home, and rest beside my bed.
"Because I remember you as a child", smiled the Fairy.
"How could you, I mean, I grew up far away from where I live now- plus how would you know where I lived, if you saw me as a child?"
The Fairy smiled Shyly, "I cannot reveal all our secrets to you, but I can tell you that I have always known you to be a kind person, and true of heart, and that is why you can see me- that is one of the reasons why I have shown myself to you, tonight."
It was hard to make sense of all fo waht Willow was telling me, but I tried to understand. Was there a reason why she came to my place, other than just to rest? Why me?
Then Willow stood up and stretched her delicate wings and turned to me, "You are probably wondering why I am here", she said softly.
"Well... yes I was kinda wondering about that", I replied.
Willow looked over at my book, took out a small wand from her dress, and suddenly the book flipped a couple of pages. I looked at my book and picked it up ans stared down at it in wonder. Then I felt a cool breeze sweep past me, and I closed my eyes for a second as it gently blew my hair and tickled my face. When I opened my eyes I wans't in my home anymore. I was still on my bed, bur my bed was surrounded by bushes, flowers, grass and trees- I was now sitting on my bed in some forest!
Willow flew over to me and hovered in front of my face. "And now Ceridwen, your new adventure is about to begin".
And she was right, but to tell of my adventure, well, that is another story.
by Ceridwen 2006

hmmm kool aid? Thats like a sugary drink right? (dont have it here in australia, we have cordial but they are pretty much the same thing i think)
Kool aid is a powder that you mix with water and sugar to make a fruity drink..hmmmmm..did not know they did not have it in learn something new every day!